Hello! Found you via Marion JIF. I'm a beginning/intermediate micro-macrame-er. I plan to purchase one of your books soon. I'm also a physical therapist and think the K-station is a great invention! I hope to have one in the near future. Keep up the beautiful work!
-- Laura Young, 5/16/10
wonderful work !!. I just went to the bead extravaganza in Oakland yesterday .. And I should have purchased the K station then.. now I will have to be patient until it arrives....
-- Rita Jarrett, 5/16/10
I so enjoy your art. I love the way you paint with beads. Although I haven't had a chance to create anything yet, I've bought all 4 of your books. I just love looking at them!!!
-- Lori Clayton, 4/5/10
Beautiful work!
-- Sherri, 3/22/10
I really admire your work & I am also from the 70's macreme days! So glad to see it return. I have been crafting for many yrs. & have done bead work for the last 4, so I'm glad I found your site. I will be purchasing some of your books soon. Thanks, Lin