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Kristine Buchanan
Silk and Watercolor paintings, Drawings and Beaded Jewelry
Sample Page - Macrame & Jewelry
Sample page - Drawings & Paintings
Paintings - Watercolor, Silk and Acrylic
Jewelry Galleries
*Bead Embroidery
*Wire Jewelry - Freeform
* Non Micro Macrame Jewelry
* Micro Macrame Necklaces
* Micro Macrame Bracelets
Micro Macrame Books for sale
Wall Art
Sample Page - Macrame & Jewelry
Sample page - Drawings & Paintings
Paintings - Watercolor, Silk and Acrylic
Jewelry Galleries
*Bead Embroidery
*Wire Jewelry - Freeform
* Non Micro Macrame Jewelry
* Micro Macrame Necklaces
* Micro Macrame Bracelets
Micro Macrame Books for sale
Wall Art
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Have admired your watercolors for quite some time, Kristine. I own the Pink Ginger, having purchased it in Maui over 25 years ago.
-- David Miles, 12/30/22
Love your watercolors on silk. The colors are so vibrant and appear to have just been picked right out of the garden. Your attention to detail is amazing Just FABULOUS!
-- Audrey, 1/18/21
Thank you for sharing your talents and knowledge. I can't wait to get the books to finish my "O" Angel Necklace!
-- Vickie Prillaman, 1/23/16
Hi Kris, I am wondering if you are planning to teach in the Bay Area in 2016, say at the Beaded Bliss in Danville, again. I am interested to learn the micro macrame with the design with the tantrum by Joella Johnson. Please advice. Thank you. ~Wenda
-- Wenda Huang, 11/16/15
Just fabulous.
-- Carolyn, 10/29/15
I am very interested in learning micro macrame and will be ordering your books very soon. Congrats on your recent contest victories!
-- Linda Davies, 1/24/15
Back in the 70's when macramé was popular I found it complicated for me to do, but then I was young, now that I'm 60 plus, and have started beading, I find this site very interesting, and I find myself eager to learn. You make it look interesting, and much more easy to learn. I love your site and will be returning, and making some purchases, I'm sure. Thank you for making it look much easier. Laureen Colby
-- Laureen Colby, 8/21/14
Back in the 70's when macramé was popular I found it complicated for me to do, but then I was young, now that I'm 60 plus, and have started beading, I find this site very interesting, and I find myself eager to learn. You make it look interesting, and much more easy to learn. I love your site and will be returning, and making some purchases, I'm sure. Thank you for making it look much easier. Laureen Colby
-- Laureen Colby, 8/21/14
Really enjoyed the commentaris on the products needed to get stsarted..Thanks!
-- Mary Hardin, 8/14/14
Beautiful work!!
-- Carleen, 3/5/14
Thanks for your beginning videos. Really helpful.
-- Carol, 2/22/14
I love your work.Your website is great.
-- Christina, 12/21/13
Saw your beginner videos on youtube and enjoyed them very much. Very well thought out and easy to understand. Have always had trouble understanding the over and under and through, but this made it very plain and how to tell where you left off if you lost your place.
-- Judy Pennington, 9/8/13
Hi I just wanted to say thankyou for your informative videos and your wonderful books. I will see about purchasing them one at a time though. I too have done a whole lot of everything out there. My company is aptly named It's a Wonder! I know how to do all this stuff. Let it be a wonder to you. And now will be adding this to my vast knowledge of all things creative. By the way where is that slant board thing that you attached your macrame too. I am interested in it if nothing else but to save my back. Thanks for the ideas I can hardly wait to get started. Thanks JoAnn
-- Joann Mcbrady, 9/2/13
Thanks for a great website. I enjoyed it. I would like to try micro macramé.
-- Jeanie Mclaughlin, 8/29/13
where is you bead board stand........can I buy one?
-- Laurie Wykoff, 6/5/13
can not wait to back soon amr
-- Audrey, 3/3/13
Love your work. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge with us.
-- Lina Alvarez, 2/27/13
I remember your books were at Bead Babe when they were open and I was amazed by the advanced knotting compared to how I use to make plant hangers in my youth. Fabulous!
-- Sandra Moe, 2/19/13
Beautiful website - thanks!
-- Andrea Derosa, 2/5/13
Macrame, Silk Paintings, Watercolor Paintings, Beaded Jewelry, Kris Buchanan, Kristine Buchanan, beads, jewelry, macrame, micro macrame, paintings, drawings
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